Thursday, January 6, 2011

Random words

Today, Mr.Radzi taught us about Random Words which means something that come to you that can actually make u to have a new idea in solving problems.

During the class, Mr.Radzi has show us about some example like a cup, what can the cup do other than use it for drink?
 It can be a cap, be the tool that as a decoration, use it to hit people, and so on...

Other example is about there is 2 chair there, how to make the guest to your house not dare to sit on the middle chair..
It can put a warning on that chair there mention danger, can put a cup on it let people know that seat belongs to other, and else..haha

How to make a person to stop smoking in 6 months time?

Find the key words.
- dirty
- metals
- sign
- colors

 1) Color : Use colors to indicate danger.
- Paint different colors to the cigarette to indicate the level of danger that the smoker is getting into. Starting off with, Green; start  smoking and start to feel stupid,, Yellow; entering the dangerous zone and finally Red; you are now about to commit suicide!
2) Metal : Make it tough to smoke
- Make the cigarette to be as hard as a metal make the people don't feel comfortable when they smoke and once they get fed up with it, they will stop smoking. 
3) Dirty : Create a disgusting effect to the cigarette 
 - People will feel stinky when they want to smoke and they will get sick of it soon they will stop smoking.For example, now a days in Malaysia, the cigarette package are follow with the lung cancer image.
4) Sign : Create a weird and scary sign
- Create a scary and weird sign on the cigarette and when they smoke, they saw that, they will feel freaky.